New Beauty: Soft Cat

So, my favorite blog of the year is definitely the Swiss Delicious Scopitone. Most of their articles are both in French and English (for easy reading!) and they find the most consistently beautiful lo-fi gems (so hot right now!). Most of the posts are small witty narrative pieces that tie the song titles into a description of the music without telling you how to situate the music within the greater context of music forever (which is nice).
The most recent post is on a band from Baltimore called Soft Cat who sound a bit like an atmospheric Akron/Family circa their self titled album. They create subtle and fragile compositions that slowly unfurl using mainly guitar and voice, but they also use many different (well placed) orchestral and percussive instruments. Their melodies are often slow developing and quite heartbreaking, located somewhere between Arcade Fire and Fleet Foxes. If you like what you hear, give em some love; their myspace currently has just over 1,000 plays.
mp3: Silver Babies in the Sun - Soft Cat (Highly Recommended!)
mp3: It Won't be Long - Soft Cat
Thanks for your good words !
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