Jay-Z on Letterman!
Jay-Z is a legend. He basically doesn't have to do any of these TV appearances anymore. Yet he has a great agenda and is keeping himself in the public eye for good reasons. That being said, Hova has other talents as well. Somehow this interview comes off as a perfectly scripted/acted comedy sketch. Only I don't think it is either because I dont think either of them can act that well. Which means its simply a perfectly improved comedy sketch. Only I don't think it was meant to be that. I don't even know how this interview got to be funny. Most of the time Jay-Z looks like a shy, deer in the headlights looking out of the corner of his eyes at dave for direction (but somehow a badass shy deer in the headlights looking at dave for direction). He gives really short answers that kinda kill a lot of Dave's questions, but he seems to be conscious of the comedy in that fact, unlike another one of Dave's guests this year. In the interview itself we find out that Blueprint 3 is "3 times as better" as the other Blueprint album, he is not called Shawn anymore because people stopped calling him Shawn, Lettermen's real name is Dave-Z, Lettermen's marriage is "3 times better" than Jay's,Ha! "Jay-Z everyone! We'll be right back with Martha Stewart." That's gotta be two of the strangest interviews back to back I can think of. All in all, it was a great video though. It's pretty rad how the house band played hard knock life as he walked in. The best part though is when Dave says, "you're married to Beyonce" and some guy goes "Yeahhhhh" and Jay-Z just smiles. Perfect. But speaking of perfect, this man is wise (that's a great segue). I watched this whole 40 minute special from BET and I definitely recommend it for people who feel estranged from the hip-hop world. Jay-Z is a really smart guy, he's not all gangsta badass idontgiveafuck sorta person. Watch it. Unity! Brooklyn! Jay-Z!
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