Leonard Cohen Sings "Hallelujah" Live in London

Leonard Cohen is the reason I am thankful every single day that Canadians exists. He recently played at the Wamu Theatre here in town. While I did not get the chance to witness the glory that surely ensued , there are enough reviews about it to where I can maybe pretend I was there. Except that reading about an amazing performance is completely terrible. Its like the Price is Right without Bob Barker, its just not the same. At least a video is a little better, right?
I have seen much of the Live in London dvd, but somehow I had yet to this song. Many of Leonard Cohen's songs are probably more well known that he is and of his songs none is more prevalent than "Hallelujah." Most people I know first heard the (ubiquitous) Jeff Buckley version (that is spectacular, I might add). This video sort of feels to me like he is taking the song back. His vocal line is much more melodic and impassioned than the album version on 1985's Various Positions. And its awesome to watch Cohen take various positions (ahem.) kneeling and rising up toward the songs euphoric chorus. An obvious plus is that the song is no longer saturated with the 80's and instead seems more forthright and sincere. The musicians and backing vocalists make themselves known and fill out Cohen's spare vocal technique but never intrude on his sincerity; a favor he returns about three and a half minutes through in taking off his hat so that the organist can have an orgasm.
Listen to Bob Dylan's Cover of "Hallelujah"
Buy Leonard Cohen Live in London
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