Scorsese to Direct Sinatra Film

If you aren't meeting you're suave quota lately, you might look forward to the new Martin Scorsese directed Frank Sinatra biopic. Entitled simply "Sinatra," the film is produced by Universal Pictures and the script is by screenwriter Phil Alden Robinson (Field of Dreams). The film has been in the works for a while because of a lot of legal issues. For example, according to Billboard, Sinatra's "family members had to come to consensus on how to tell the story and, more importantly, just how much of the story to tell." Sounds complicated.
Sinatra's life does seem to lend it self toward a dramatic film.
Frank Sinatra - "Fly Me to the Moon""Raised during the Depression, he built a singing career that weathered many changes in popular culture, all while he racked up 31 gold records and countless other honors. He also had a successful career as an actor, proving naysayers wrong by earning an Oscar for 'From Here to Eternity.' His personal life was just as eventful. He suffered from depression and a bipolar disorder, was alleged to have connections to organized crime and was married four times, including to actresses Ava Gardner and Mia Farrow.
Cake - "Frank Sinatra"
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