I Love Language Too!

As previously reported, the North Carolinian band The Love Language is awesome. Their myspace page quote reads "dizzy highs/ restless lows" which seems to be an accurate summation of their music. I think they sound a lot like the Strokes Drummer's side project Little Joy in that they create fuzzy little joyous minimal pop songs, at once noisy, catchy, and somehow fresh. The "editorial" review on Amazon says of Love Language that their music "sounds like the Arcade Fire drank several bottles of bourbon and recorded an album on a shitty 4-track. This lo-fi pop brilliance is sure to be one of the first great records of 2009." And while I can't really get behind the Arcade Fire comparison, I dig the sentiment.
The KEXP blog recently posted this video of the song "Providence" from their self titled LP which is sure to please pop connaisseurs. Catchy drum beat, check. Endearing voice, check. Chorus vocal harmonies, check. Dancing melodious piano solo, check. Everything is great except for the fact that the audio on this flick seems to be a weird mash-up of a house party performance which transitions to them sitting on a couch playing acoustics which abruptly transitions back via drum solo. However, it is fun to watch them set up and what not (I have the same amp!). And Im pretty sure they were boozin' by that red couch as well (that bourbon idea perhaps strangely accurate?). Its all fine by me if it helps them hit those gorgeous harmonies around 1:40.
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