Sad Bears

Grizzly Bear's much anticipated follow up to the wonderful Yellow House leaked yesterday. The album is not set to release until May so I hadn't even thought to look for it. And yet here it is. Apparently, it is a really low quality version which makes me a little conflicted about listening to it. Not from a monetary sense because I have already pre-ordered the vinyl LP. I guess Im Floating put it best:
"On one hand, I think you should all wait before downloading and devouring Veckatimest in its current state of awful sound quality. On the other hand, having had the opportunity to hear a few of the songs in a better format (and being a crazed Grizzly Bear fan with no will power), I know this thing slays.
Grizzly Bear Ed Droste wrote this on his Twitter:
"I'm trying to be zen about the album leaking because I'm "ok" with it, but I'm bummed. And apparently it's [a] low quality rip. :( So now everyone will be judging it off of a crappy rip. Sigh.... Was hoping to make it to at least april! I'm cool with it early!"
That being said, if you do download it, please try not to let your opinion be tainted by the low quality of the recording. I have full faith that it will be better for everyone that way.
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