The Evolution of Revolution

Amidst all of our high hopes that Sir Paul McCartney will soon convince Ringo and Yoko to let him share the unreleased "plinky-plonky" 1967 track "Carnival of Light," Beatles fans were recently appeased with a 10-minute version of “Revolution 1″ from the White Album sessions.
The track starts off with John Lennon, true to character, yelling "take...your knickers off, lets go" flowing into what begins like the album version of "Revolution 1." Instead of fading out around the 4:15, Take 20 transitions in a more experimental sound collage with a strange buzzing sound that reminds me of a fly zooming past my ear. This mixed with increasingly frenetic guitar sounds (is there some reverse in there?) maniacal yelling and gibberish for the next few minutes all atop the incessant drums and shooby-doo-wops. At about the 9:35 mark the song finally breaks under its own chaotic weight with a brief harmonica and piano crash transition. The song ends with sufficiently creepy voices exclaiming at random including a short loop of a low voice saying "it will be all right." Other sounds that I can identify or at least describe are Ringo's voice, creaking door opening slowly, space alien-esque (9:47) noises that actually sound like the beginning to Animal Collectives "In the Flowers," an operatic singing voice, a little kid that sounds like the beginning to Bright Eyes' Fevers & Mirrors but is probably John because he says something about being naked, what sounds like someone trudging through a dank reverby sewer (10:10), a piano diddy, that fly like buzzing noise, and Yoko.
According to Rolling Stone, "only two copies of the take were made when recording the song was completed on June 4, 1968. One copy left the studio with Lennon that day, and the other remained behind. It’s unclear which copy appears on the bootleg, nor how the Revolution makers even acquired it." I wouldn't mind if long lost Beatles tracks just started popping up everywhere. Maybe the "Carnival of Light" will leak as a secret track on Beatles Rock Band.
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