Neko and Her Nerve

Neko Case has a new video for the lead single "People Got a Lot of Nerve" off of her recently released album, Middle Cyclone. The entire video is animated which seems to be the new trend after the video from those Cute Cabbies of Death. To be honest, I like this video a lot better. The animation aesthetic is captivating and fits the music. Not to metnion that the video plays like a musical noah's ark, featuring Orca whales, dogs, an elephant, an ostrich, a tiger and others.

Also check out this interview Case recently did with (the ubiquitous) P4k. Here is a sample "I had a good dream where I met a tornado at a rest stop on the side of the highway, and he wanted me to read him a book. He was frustrated. "

Middle Cyclone was out on March 3rd on Anti-
Buy Middle Cyclone here.
Listen to Neko Case here.
Download People Got a Lot of Nerve" here.


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