Filesharing; Now Pirate's can Party

I love Sweden and if you dont, I think you should. I also love music from Sweden. I love it so much that I just want to share it with everyone. And, when the likes of Peter Bjorn and John, Lykke Li, Air France and The Knife all hail from the northern European social democracy, its easy to see why people would want to share it too. Sweden, being the liberal state that it is, has a political organization named the "Pirate Party," whose goal is to reform copyright law in order to ensure citizen's right to privacy. Now, according to the BBC, The Pirate Party recently "secured 7.1% of the Swedish vote," enough to qualify them for a seat in the European Parliament.
I think we could learn a thing or two here in the States from the Swedes about how democracy works.
Lykke Li - I Dont Mind (Jump on it) - Im Good, Im Gone [2008]
The Knife vs. Grizzly Bear - Heartbeats/The Knife
The Knife vs. Grizzly Bear - Heartbeats/The Knife
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