Idiot Box - Lots of Videos About Music 5/14/09

Idiot box
n. Slang
A television.
I am pretty sure that the best podcast ever is This American Life from NPR. And even more sure than that, Andrew Bird is pretty much the most NPR friendly musician ever. This all makes this video not only make sense, but be really awesome. The track is called “Eugene”, via here.
One of the albums that I absolutely cannot get enough of this year comes from the francophone Amadou and Mariam whom Scott turned me onto last year. The song is right from the middle of their album Welcome to Mali and is called "Masiteladi." For sure worth a watch. The whole album is this immediate and listenable so if you dig this, definitely check out the album.
On the Shins current tour they have been playing a couple new songs. One is called "The Rifle's Spiral" and the other (below) is called "double bubble" which features the rhythmic stylings of Modest Mouse's drummer Joe Plummer. It certainly is a lot more bouncy. Look for a new album 2010ish maybe. Via Stereogum
SNL. JT. Blah Blah. Funny etc.
Here we have The National playing their Dark was the Night Favorite "So Far Around the Bend" on Fallon. I really dig this track even though its a little peppier than most of Boxer. I would love to see them center around an album around this "its fall and I am melancholly but still in a good mood" vibe.
Uhhh. Half of Death Cab doing an interview on...CNN? Yeah idk why. For ten minutes too. Best question ever "How do you guys get your mojo?" Chris Walla looks like Luke Skywalker. Also apparently Death Cab is the "perfect marriage of four guys."...Sexy.
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